With Sound Blaster Audigy Fx V2, enjoy an easy upgradable solution to enhance your computer’s audio. This node uses Structured Audio 4, 5 to describe the effects and requires a Structured Audio compiler or interpreter for implementation. “Is your default PC audio enough? While computers today do come with a basic onboard sound card on the motherboard, the audio quality is usually mediocre at best if you have a penchant for high-resolution music. Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Fx V2 sound card If you’d like to further enhance the audio performance of your the Sound Blaster Audigy Fx V2 sound card an optional daughterboard expansion card with upgrades such as DSD256 playback support, added side channels for full 7.1 discrete surround, as well as the addition of an optical-out port is available.
Advanced time-stretching (up to 75) Pitch shifting (up to 1 octave) Audio mixing with. Offering users “ pristine audio fidelity, advanced audio processing through Sound Blaster Acoustic Engine, and our latest audio innovation-SmartComms Kit-a suite of smart communication features designed to improve the way you communicate online” says Creative. Up to three chain-able audio effects per deck.
Creative has engineered a new sound card designed to bridge the gap between performance and value in the form of the Sound Blaster Audigy Fx V2. With an array of new and improved features, including the ability to produce Dolby Atmos content entirely within Nuendo, professional metering including a Netflix Loudness Meter and Intelligibility Meter, SpectraLayers One, enhanced sound design tools, exclusive sound effects content and much more, Nuendo 11 is the gold standard for professional audio production.